5 Issues Your AC May Have

5 Issues Your AC May Have

Things are heating up which means you are going to be a lot more dependent on your AC if you aren’t already. This is all well and good, of course–unless something is wrong with your air conditioner.

We hate to be the bearers of bad news but as the summer season ramps up a lot of residents in Charleston are going to discover that their systems have problems. Years of use take their toll and even with maintenance, your AC will eventually run into a problem. Thankfully, our team is here to help get your system back into working order.

5 Issues Your AC May Have

5 Issues Your AC Might Run Into

If something is wrong with your AC, it is best to get the issue fixed as soon as you can. You don’t want to be without any cool air this season after all. So what exactly may be causing that need for an AC repair in Charleston, SC? There is more than one problem that your system may encounter:

  • The evaporator coil is dirty: The evaporator coil is part of your AC that allows heat to be absorbed into your system’s refrigerant so it can be carried outside. Even a thin layer of dirt on this coil can and will hinder the heat transfer process, making it harder for your AC to do its job. The worse the dirt layer gets, the worse your comfort gets too.
  • The fan is broken: Your air conditioner uses fans to pull hot air in to be cooled and then to push cool air into your home. If you have loose or broken fan blades, the flow of air in the system and your home will be messed up, not to mention the fact that this can create some grating noises too.
  • The filter is clogged: Having a clogged air filter is easy to deal with in most cases. Check the filter every one to three months and, if it is too dirty, change it out for another that is the same size and strength. If a dirty filter is left in the system, it is likely to slow airflow and cause all sorts of trouble.
  • The condensate drain is backed up: As your air conditioner does its job, it also pulls some humidity out of the air in the home. This condenses and drips into a condensate pan where it is drained away via a condensate drain. This drain can develop a clog however which can cause nasty smells and force your AC to shut down early.
  • There is a refrigerant leak: Refrigerant is the lifeblood of your AC. Without it, your system is nothing more than a large, overly expensive fan! A refrigerant leak can cause your system to short cycle, can stop the production of cool air, and can even lead to an early breakdown.

No matter what issue your air conditioner is having, you should always work with a professional to get things back on track. Our team is here for those days when you need a little extra help to stay cool.

Contact Holy City Heating and Air, LLC to schedule your AC repairs. We provide solutions for every season.

Also Read: 3 Things To Know About Geothermal Systems

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