AC Repair In James Island, SC

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AC Repair in James Island, SC,
And Surrounding Areas

As temperatures rise in Charleston, SC, homeowners rely heavily on their air conditioning to keep their homes comfortable. However, continuous use can wear down even the most reliable AC units, leading to costly repairs or replacements. That’s why it’s essential to take proper care of your AC unit, such as seeking professional assistance when necessary.

If you require AC repair in the James Island, SC, area, Holy City Heating and Air, LLC can help. Our team of experts provides quality repair services for both residential and commercial properties at an affordable price. Let’s dive into how you can care for your AC system and when to seek professional assistance.

Air Conditioning Maintenance in Charleston, SC - Holy City Heating and Air, LLC
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Things Homeowners Do
That Damage Their Systems

Some common mistakes that homeowners make that can damage their AC systems include:

  • Ignoring Strange Noises: Strange noises such as clanking, hissing, or grinding may indicate issues with your AC unit. Ignoring them can lead to significant damage over time, so it’s essential to address them early.
  • Not Changing Air Filters: Dirty air filters can reduce the airflow in your AC unit, leading to increased energy consumption and wear and tear on your system.
  • Blocking Air Vents: Blocking air vents, intentionally or otherwise, puts increased strain on your system and reduces its efficiency, leading to higher energy bills.
  • Running the AC When No One Is Home: Running AC when no one is home wastes energy and wears down your system faster.
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Steps Homeowners Take to Care for Their System

To keep your AC working efficiently and reduce the chances of damage or breakdown, you can take some steps, such as:

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance to check your AC unit for small problems before they become more significant issues. At Holy City Heating and Air, LLC, we offer affordable maintenance plans to keep your system running smoothly.
  • Use Programmable Thermostats: : A programmable thermostat can help you save energy by automatically adjusting the temperature at predetermined times.
  • Regularly Check Air Filters: Check your air filters every 1–3 months and change them if they’re dirty. This simple step can reduce energy consumption, save money, and increase the lifespan of your AC unit.
  • Keep Air Vents Unblocked: Ensure that air vents are not blocked by furniture or other household items, allowing for free airflow that reduces stress on your system.

When Homeowners Should Seek
Professional Assistance?

Despite your best efforts, your AC may eventually require professional assistance. Some signs that you need to call for AC repair in James Island, SC, include:

  • Incorrect Thermostat Readings: If your thermostat is incorrect, it can cause your AC to run erratically and inefficiently, raising energy bills and damaging your unit’s lifespan.

  • Leaking Water: Leaks indicate problems with the condensate drain or refrigerant, which can be hazardous to your health and damage your unit.
  • Warm Air: If your AC is blowing warm air, there may be a problem with the refrigerant or compressor.
  • Strange Noises: As mentioned earlier, strange noises can be an indicator of more severe problems with your unit.

We Can Help!

Don’t suffer through a hot and humid summer with a malfunctioning air conditioning system. Holy City Heating and Air, LLC offers expert AC repair services in James Island, SC, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get your home feeling cool and comfortable once again.

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Contact Us Today For AC Repair in James Island, SC, And Surrounding Areas